PF is extending hours EVERY Thursday from 6pm-9pm, offering a cozy space for artists to connect. Enjoy rotating programming featuring music, food, games, conversations, and evening gallery hours for exhibitions.

At PF Cafe, indulge in craft n/a cocktails and THC options, paired with a rotating menu of snacks from our talented team.

MAY Schedule | PF Main Gallery 144

05/09: Cult Classics: The Wiz

Open gallery hours for Techniques for Ecstasy with PF Cafe screening “The Wiz” in the cafe!

05/23: SWAP MEET Community Preview

The Thursday before Art-A-Whirl weekend! Tangible Collective’s Swap Meet is back for a 3rd run during AAW. Avoid the crowds and join us for a special community preview night to meet the vendors and shop their goods. Also on view: Techniques for Ecstasy: Alexandra Beaumont in the main gallery 144.

05/23: Arrive Together: A salon style conversation on dance and community. 6pm-9pm (247)

Currently exhibiting artist Alexandra Beaumont invites Dwight K. Lewis. Jr, Kat Purcell, jess pretty and the broader dance community to engage in a conversation around communal spaces for joy and celebration. Conversation will be held in the upstairs gallery with the exhibit on view in the main gallery.